Content guidelines

Individual scenes and monologues can be uploaded by both registered users and individuals who have been approved as a contributing writer.

While every registered user has the ability to submit material, writers who wish to monetize their submissions must first register and be approved for a Contributing Writer account. To sign up as a contributing writer, visit the affiliate portal here.


All scripts must be uploaded as PDF files with industry standard formatting for their associated medium. Scripts can be taken from any medium where the content is suitable to be performed by an actor.


The type of submitted material should either be a monologue or scene. If not written explicitly for audition purposes, it should be extracted from a larger piece.

As a general guide, submitted material should satisfy the following criteria:

  1. Contain no more than 1-2 characters.
  2. Be under 6 pages max.
  3. Be a single, dialogue focused scene.


Scenes or monologues which are NOT self-written must either exist in the public domain or fall under the category of fair use in accordance with Section 107 of the Copyright Act, whereby an extract from an existing work may be used for educational purposes.

Contributing writers who wish to monetize their work must only upload self-written material for which they are credited as writer. It is understood that contributing writers act as affiliates and wholly own the rights to any submitted works.

AuditionScenes is committed to curating high-quality scenes and monologues as a valuable resource for its users. As such, all submissions will be manually reviewed to ensure they satisfy these guidelines before being approved and added to the database. Submission of a scene or monologue is not a guarantee of approval.